Monday, May 23, 2011

it's your happy birthday!

Study break in celebratian of today.

Who would have thought that two of my very best friends were born on the same exact day.

Happy Birthday Kaitlin Jackman & Kristina Hahn!

20..phew. That's old. But guess what, I'm next.

Time is a funny thing. Today we read our 1 year predictions for our group. A year from now you will be (insert ridiculous statement here)..

According to my fellow teachers I will be "living my fairly tale/movie like life" by doing the following in exactly 1 year:
*Traveling the Globe & Married.
*Head Teacher for ILP in China.
*Calling Kaitlin a lot.
*Opening a fashion boutique.
*Moving to Utah to finish my degree at USU, after getting married.

I think I got all of them...minus one that said something about me going into some kind of science of evolution or something at school.. I don't think I got any mission comments. Any thoughts?

Who knows if some of these will actually come true but it has got me thinking. 1 year ago, I would not have imagined all of the things I would do in the following year. Holy crap has it been a year! All I knew a year ago, that I would be graduating in two days and I would move to Utah to go to school in the fall.

In the last year I have flown over the atlantic ocean multiple times. I have been to five different European countries- Sweden twice. I never would have thought that I would end up living in a Post Soviet country...or ukrainian hospital. I have survived +9 hour time difference from my awesome family and a 5 month long distance relationship. I have cried, laughed and ate some of the most amazing food ever. I have met people that have changed my life, forever.
Woah. That's a lot of stuff. 

Sometimes I really think that the only reason I came to Ukraine was to meet my lovely Katroosa. Words cannot describe how much I love her. Happy Birthday <3

Ill stop myself before I get too in-depth.. this is not THE post. I still have a few more days to write that. 10 to be exact:]

people stare:]

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