Thursday, December 2, 2010

some call it determinedly optimistic..

One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller

-Blog. Nerdy, I know..but I feel it may be slightly more effective for sharing my newest adventure than posting on facebook (and also for those who are fb challenged), this is for you. 

My mom always told me, when I was little I was always moving, always on the go, even if it meant scraped up elbows and bloody knees. Well, as it turns out, nothing has changed. I don't stay content for too long. Some might say I am a bit of an extremist but I just find joy in obtaining the unobtainable. Tell me I can't, I'll prove you wrong, and have fun doing it. I strongly believe that dreaming is not enough. Last summer, in Jon and Allis's last attempt to get me to converse with complete strangers in Swedish, "If all else fails, point, smile (but not too much, or you will look like a tourist) and say I WANT THAT".  This might have been some of the best advice I have been given, ever. Dreaming is not enough. This is me, pointing, smiling and making it happen. 

In exactly one month, my phone is being shut off, I'm packing my shiny new blue suitcases, and saying goodbye to the dry Utah air.

I am off to spend the next 182.621099 days in Kiev, Ukraine.