Friday, May 27, 2011

t-5 a sweet disposition

There are so many Americans! I've never seen so many Americans in my life! Guard your bags..
St. Andrews has never been so crowded. But for one lass horray, it was worth it. I wanted a t shirt, but who wants to buy a t shirt in Ukraine that is in english. NOT ME! I got some super cool stuff though. 
Cherry vereniki is best in air conditioned pzahta hatas:]
"Lets be tourists".. says Kaitlin...Why not..
Somehow, our artist drawer man decided that I have bucked teeth. This is what I get for letting my american show.

Ice cream is way too good here. 
"Can we go run around the corner and cry??" Yes. 
What kind of drunk would YOU be??

Britney, what will make you feel better?- Natalie
Dumping this bottle of water on Derricks head.-Britney

a moment.
a love.

a dream.

a laugh.

a kiss.

a cry.

our rights.

our wrongs.

just stay there. 


Sometimes I lose my patience.
Sometimes I get ahead of myself. 
Sometimes I feel pretty dumb. 

Sometimes I eat manna for breakfast..ok like every day.
and sometimes Savage Garden can express my feelings better than I can. Hello 90's childhood.

I didn't make it to Andrivski this morning. Boo Kaitlin and your lack of inventory;]
I need to study for my test. 
I need to finish music and slideshow for spectacle.
Its 11am. 
I'm still laying in bed, yet have so much to do. 
I wonder if all of my stuff will fit in my suitcases.
I really hope that iceland does not blow up and I get stuck in Germany. 
Then again, Germany might be a party. 

My phone has still not showed up. hmm.

This is me trying not to think. My brain is temporarily out of service- too many emotions to file.. caution- meltdowns ahead. 

I have said too much, I am afraid. 

Kaitlin, can I quote you too? X10..minus the babushka.

Hold Your Own. Know Your Name. Go Your Own Way. 
Everything will be fine.