Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Can I get a spoon please?

When I think of "life saving objects", a number of things come to mind; Life boats, emergency floatation devices, cardiac defibrillators, seat belts and knee pads... but never in my life would I have thought an every day object so simple, would have such an impact on my short life, all in one weekend.

I love the irony in my life.

This is the story of "Ryan" the Travel Size Hairdryer and how it saved my life and blessed the countless lives of others.

Crimea: The most southern part of Ukraine. I heard it called the "medeterainian of Russia". As you can imagine, after a lonngggg winter in Kyiv, I was totally down for some hot humid play time on sandy shores of Simferopol.

This was definelty not the case.
Long story short- yes, use your imagination....
A small "cabin" (meaning metal shack)
Two wooden plank beds.
Two holy wool blankets.
30 degree weather.
18 layers of clothes.
1 Hairdryer.
2 best friends.

my life:]